Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Teenagers, or 'When Did I Grow Old™

So I am taking the train as you all know by now (and by you all, I mean my Mom and the 5 other readers I have) and I’ve been reflecting before on the Dweller status hat we have… so it’s time to comment on the other big thing with the train : Teenagers.

Was I THAT naïve when I was a kid, growing up? Was I doing my utmost to impress girls, cheat on tests and frantically study in the wee hour before the first hour where the rest of the semesters score were riding on that one tiny test? Was I bragging about my drunken stupors the weekend before and how I blew people off by partying at someone else’s place instead? Did I have such a blatant disregard for other passengers?

Yes is the answer to some of the statements above, and I leave it to your fantasy to guess which ones that would be. I just know that from all the copulating / studying / chatting going on by the younger generation on this train, I just feel plain Old™.



Anonymous said...

My dear son, You are old!! *lol*


Anonymous said...

I Love You anyway.......*s*