Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Teenagers, or 'When Did I Grow Old™

So I am taking the train as you all know by now (and by you all, I mean my Mom and the 5 other readers I have) and I’ve been reflecting before on the Dweller status hat we have… so it’s time to comment on the other big thing with the train : Teenagers.

Was I THAT naïve when I was a kid, growing up? Was I doing my utmost to impress girls, cheat on tests and frantically study in the wee hour before the first hour where the rest of the semesters score were riding on that one tiny test? Was I bragging about my drunken stupors the weekend before and how I blew people off by partying at someone else’s place instead? Did I have such a blatant disregard for other passengers?

Yes is the answer to some of the statements above, and I leave it to your fantasy to guess which ones that would be. I just know that from all the copulating / studying / chatting going on by the younger generation on this train, I just feel plain Old™.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Snow in Mid April

[This is a Piece I should have posted yesterday, but got pushed to another publication day, since there was other news available. So when you read this, think it as if it was Monday Morning.]

So I woke up this morning, zombie out of bed in an attempt to get ready for the day (Success! You have created [Fresh Morning]x1) , did the usual getting dressed bit until I looked out of the window…

(Best Abominable Snowman voice) How about all this fabulous Snow!!

It’s amazing to think that despite all effort of us humans, Mother Nature is still trying to wash away our dirt that we spew up in the air. Either it’s that or this snow fall we’ve had now every 4-5 days is just a natural thing. Probably should find a climatologist and check to see if we are heading into some permanent snowfall. :)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Train Dwellers

What do you call the people that you see always in the train (or bus for all you commute n00bz out there) every morning, getting on at the same stop, always sitting in the same place (If given a choice) and never speaking to anyone? Or never speaking to me I might directly state…

Well… I’ve just decided that the proper term for that should be “Train Dwellers”, since the train is (supposed to be) a clockwork regular thing that is hard to miss. I used the word Dweller, since we never really do anything other than just sit, take up place and just exist in the 55 – 120 minutes we spend in the infernal Iron worm, getting ourselves down to the designated areas where we earn our keep.

I just wish someone would think the words “That’s IT! I’ve had it with this infernal silence!” and start talking. Although, with my luck, I’ll end up not understanding a word of what they say, and they end up being ashamed to have said anything and me not understanding that they wow never to speak again.

“Why don’t you take the first step then?” some of you dear readers (numbering an average of 2 a day, one I’m sure being my Mom - Hi Mom!) might ask in a loud and insistent voice… “Maybe everyone is just shy to approach you, in your black and slightly worn winter coat that really should be tossed by now… Ever thought about that?”. Well… I have, and I have also learned that unless it’s a REALLY bored 19 year old, the chances of me finding someone on this train that dare speak English and not thinking they suck at it, is about the same as me winning on the 649 Lottery here. (Winning chance for the highest win is probably somewhere around 1:17.000.000)

So yea… Do I take my train time and simply write these blog entries, or do I risk winning? Well… My Train Posse and I say: Bring it on, Loto-Quebec, Bring It On!

Friends and Work

So yesterday when I plugged in my dead cell phone in my charger, something strange happened.

It Rang!

Now – if you know me a little, you know that there is only 3 things that makes my cell ring in the weekend. It’s either

a.) a wrong number;

b.) Telus informing me of new services

c.) Someone at work calling to let me know there is a problem somewhere and I should be informed of it.

Now, imagine my surprise when it was neither! It was someone I dare say I consider a friend and that I hope will have to fend off all the head hunters she’ll have running after her now that she is no longer employed. So if you are looking for a kick-ass C++ Senior Developer, let me know and I’ll forward you to her.

Mindy, all the best – and don’t be a stranger!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Things I miss from Sweden


Well.. what can I say. Some days I don't really think about my roots, the culture I grew up in and the environment I thrived in before jumping the Atlantic... until I find clips like this one on Youtube:

There is a Party in Sweden's Pants!

Of course you wont understand half of it... it's one of the most brilliant comedic actors in Sweden doing an SNL quality bit on how wild the Swedish people are, featuring all natural unsuspecting passing by people that without hesitation jumps into the action. All in all, GREAT CLIP!

*Tries not to wake anyone up this late at night*