Monday, February 18, 2008

Blogging and Life

Mleh! Some people have poked me and repeatedly asked why I'm not posting anything anymore.

I think it's only fair that I give a small update to what is going on in my life right now... don't make me say "I warned you!".. :)


So my poor Chevrolet Cavalier (1992) was declared officially as a total loss by the insurance company in early January. This was from a accident that took place during the aftermath of the first real snowstorm here in Quebec (Dec 18), and took the form of an oncoming car deciding my side of the car was softer than the snowbank. No body injuries and the damage did not seem that severe, but evidently enough for the car model to be bought by the insurance company, rather than repairing it.

So for nearly a month of being car-less, I have now stepped into the V6 era with my Chevrolet Venture (2000). It's Big! It's HUGE! It reacts like a trigger finger on the gas and is overall a pretty cool minivan. Cross your fingers that this puppy wont get hit too.


Well... Mid-February and still nothing. If you are within 160km of St-Jerome and have an opening for a hard working person that don't speak French, don't hesitate to leave a comment. :)


With my jumping ship and leaving Elune, I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. I mean, no AV wins... NONE! Nil! Zero! Noll! The Big O!! How can people be so oblivious as to how to play AV, hmm?

Raiding though have been a pleasant surprise. Joining my friends guild, which had severe problems just going passed Moroes, they are now clearing to Shade in 4 hours, downing Prince and have started learning about Illhoof and Netherspite. I keep getting credited for it, which is pretty silly, since I just kick their behinds and tell them they need to pull faster, and what we used to do in Elune. Silly Prince! Infernals don't help you not get a kick in the Crotch!

Oh.. and I am taking applications for Editor positions for a potential new website "L2P-AV", in a vain attempt to show Alliance how to play AV properly. Will it ever launch? No Idea.